Flood Insurance
Louisiana Flood Insurance

Flood insurance is more important now than ever before for Louisiana residents. With our ever-changing
coastline and the unstable conditions of our waterways, flood maps for Louisiana are always being redrawn.
Despite what some people may think, Louisiana homeowners
insurance does not cover damages caused by flooding. A separate flood insurance policy must be taken
out. If a hurricane or large storm were to damage or destroy your home due to fire, tree damage, or
lightening, your Louisiana homeowners insurance would cover the damage. But damage caused by flood waters
are NOT covered through homeowners insurance.
We specialize in providing Louisiana residents with the flood insurance they need to protect their home. We
can provide you with the most knowledge regarding flood insurance in Louisiana, and specific to your local
area. We have the ability to acquire elevation certificates in 24 hours. We guarantee the best possible
rate, because, through our years of experience, we have gained a vast knowledge of all the grandfather
clauses associated with Louisiana flood insurance. Don’t wait another day to purchase flood insurance. By
then, it may be too late. Contact Tibbetts Insurance